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My latest edition focuses on Vivianite, an unusual bluish green stone that is sometimes quite deep blue but is often a mixture of blue and green.
Vivianite has a strong resonance within the higher heart chakra where it helps to enhance emotional healing.
Pieces can look quite different but regardless of their exact color they all seem to work in a similar way to benefit you.
Vivianite has a strong action to assist your communication abilities, and will help you to speak more compassionately.
They are good healing stones that can help stress and relieve burnout that may be related to painful injuries as well as those related to emotional problems.
If your relationship has been lacking the closeness that you might have had in the past, using these stones may rekindle the passion and excitement you had previously.
If you place one on your bedside table, after a little while you might discover that your relationship improves, becoming more vital and passionate.
Vivianite also stimulates the growth of stronger intuition. By meditating with it you may encourage faster growth of your intuitive abilities.
Use it to help you if you are working on goals and need to find a way to put your ideas into effect.
The piece above is really large and is one of the first Vivianite specimens I obtained some years ago from someone selling off her own personal collection.
These stones come in a range of sizes and colors, including deep blue stones. Small pieces are usually easy to obtain.
They are good healing stones for women and can help in a number of ways. Check out my article to learn about the various ways that they can benefit you.
Discover other properties of Vivianite in my article, as it is a quite beneficial crystal to use.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz