Hi there and welcome to my latest edition.
Today’s edition focuses on Uvarovite Garnet, a beautiful green crystal which has a strong energy to help your life.
There are not that many Green Garnets but most are known to have a good healing action as well as helpful metaphysical properties.
These green stones have good healing properties and are advantageous to assist emotional, physical and Spiritual healing which is a quite beneficial combination.
The metaphysical aspects that make them sought after includes their action to enhance the growth of wealth and abundance and aid manifestation.
They have a strong physical healing action which helps inflammation as well as boosting libido and reproduction disorders and they are known to help quite a few other issues too.
They are helpful crystals for emotional healing and may bring comfort when you are feeling distressed.
They are beneficial to encourage clearer thinking as well as assisting those who spend a lot of time alone, so you feel less lonely.
Yes they have a strange name I agree as they were named after a mineral collector called Sergei Semenovitch Uvarov!
These crystals have many other properties that make them sought after and while they are not common, they are fairly easy to obtain.
Learn all about the other properties of Uvarovite in my article, as it is a quite wonderful stone to utilize.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz