Hi there and welcome to the latest edition of my newsletter. In this week's newsletter you can Learn About Crystal Skulls.
Many of you might have a crystal skull and depending on if they appeal to you, you may have more than one. So you might be interested in learning more about them.
My article has pictures of skulls made from a range of stone types and these are similar but in various shapes which may interest you.
This edition also focuses on different types of skulls, and how they are classified.
There seems to be two main attitudes to crystal skulls. Most people either love them or hate them. In some cases the dislike relates to fear of them.
I believe that the fear may relate to lack of knowledge about them, and my article may help to give you more information to relieve your fear.
I also have an article about Crystals For Conquering Fear which may be helpful if you find that fear is generally a problem.
I have quite a few skulls, and these are made from various stone types and you will see quite a few different sorts featured in my article.
My article talks about how skulls are classified, and this relates to their age.
All my skulls are modern, in that they have been carved in the last 30 years or so, at a guess.
If you find that black skulls are scary, I go into this in my article too, as this is a common way that many people react to dark skulls.
The most recent skull to come to live with me is the Black Obsidian skull, featured in the article. Powerful energy!
My gorgeous black Basinite skull has such a wonderful loving energy, and you can see its image and learn more about it in the article.
My skulls are regularly used in a grid, and as I have so many I combine them this way and activate them to create a powerful action to benefit my life.
Check out the web-page to learn my method of activating them.
I have twelve very tiny and very clear quartz skulls that I use all the time together in a grid and these are wonderful combined. See them in the article.
The first skull I bought was made from clear quartz crystal, as at that time there were not many other types of stone that was being used to create skulls.
I bought the first one at the time that the Mitchell Hedges skull was touring the world, and I discovered a love for them that has stayed with me.
Most crystal skulls have a quite powerful energy, and this is primarily related to the shape that they are carved into.
Combine this with the energy of the actual crystal or stone and you get an amazing combined energy.
My favorite skull is the beautiful Pink Petalite skull pictured at the top of the page.
He has such a cheeky energy, with a high spiritual vibration that can lead you into taking valuable action when needed.
If you do not like skulls I understand as some people don’t. But you may be surprised how lovely their energy is once you start to use them. Read my article to learn about them and how they can be used in your daily life.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz