Hi there and welcome to my latest edition. Hope that the weather where you are is bearable as I know that it has been very hot in many places!
Today’s edition focuses on Tsavorite Garnet a gorgeous green garnet variety that is a member of the Grossular family.
Many Grossular Garnets are more yellowish than Tsavorite, and Tsavorite is a trade name that was made up by Tiffany and Co.
Tiffany and Co named it for the Tsavro East National Park, which is in Kenya.
They are some of the strongest crystals for money and they may encourage the growth of personal prosperity including attracting money, if that is important to you.
These gorgeous garnets are powerful manifestation stones that boost abundance and prosperity in many areas of your life.
They have a strong heart chakra vibration and they also stimulate the higher heart chakra. This heart based energy also enhances emotional healing.
They are powerful crystals to use in meditation as they make contact with Spiritual beings and may boost psychic gifts, including mediumship and channeling.
They have a number of other excellent ways to help you, and these are covered in the article, including boosting your patience, and we can all use that.
When used in mediation they are known for their action to discover past civilisations, including Greek and Egyptian, as they attract beings in spirit that relate to this period.
They are said to help you to open all of your senses so that you can make contact with those beings, and are very powerful if you feel you may have had past lives in Egypt or Greece.
There are quite a few other Green garnets that you can learn about, and many are featured on my page about Green Garnets.
A few months back I also wrote about Uvarovite, another gorgeous green garnet, that looks a lot different to Tsavorite Garnet.
If you missed hearing about it, check out the article here about Uvarovite Garnet.
By the way, you can get tumbled stones of Tsavorite. Above is a picture of one that I bought online. This was the fist Tsavorite I got around ten years ago.
Always remember that how a stone looks isn’t an indicator of how it will help you. Tsavorite garnets are generally easier to get these days, but be aware that the tumble stones will be less expensive.
If you are using it for metaphysical healing they will work well! My suggestion is that if the stone you get is fairly small, place it in a grid, combined with clear quartz.
The quartz will boost how it works as quartz amplifies stones that are close to it.
Learn all about the other properties of Tsavorite Garnet in my article, as it is a quite wonderful stone to utilize.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz