Hi there and welcome to my latest edition.
Today’s edition focuses on Trolleite, a crystal that was rare but is now easier to get than it was. The Trolleite now selling mostly occurs combined with other minerals.
It is interesting that the other minerals that it is combined with have an excellent effect on its overall way of benefiting you.
Most pieces, or should I say almost all pieces are combined with quartz, as well as the beautiful blue mineral Lazulite as well as Scorzalite, and in some cases Augelite or orange Wagnerite.
Trolleite is an excellent stone to use for meditation as it helps you to go deeply quite easily, and commonly assists contact with Spirit beings in the higher realms.
Trolleite has a soothing and gentle energy and because it is usually combined with quartz, this means it resonates well into nearby areas. It also means that you can program it if you wish to.
Used in meditation it easily takes you on a spiritual journey to the higher realms and attracts the helps of guides, angels and other Spirit beings including Spirit teachers.
They are strong stones to awaken your spiritual gifts and are known as stones of enlightenment which can help you to understand your life path.
The Lazulite creates euphoric feelings in users, and it is this mineral in particular embodied in them that makes them powerful, as this can boost clairaudient ability.
Clairaudience is also known as psychic or spiritual hearing and by boosting your clairaudient gifts it enables you to hear messages coming through from spirit.
Trolleite works within the throat, third eye and crown chakras, where it also boosts your intuition and can trigger clairsentient gifts.
It has a calming tranquil energy that helps you to go deeply into meditation and for the same reason may also help you to sleep better, especially if your thoughts keep you awake.
There is more in the article about its action as a stone of Enlightenment, with an explanation about the meaning of this within your life.
This is a crystal that has many benefits, so check out the article to see the ways that it can help you. It is a quite wonderful stone to bring deep Spiritual growth and healing.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz