Hello and welcome to my latest newsletter. The subject of this newsletter is Thomsonite, a unique zeolite stone, that has some excellent properties to benefit you.
These crystals come in a range of colors with the most well known being colored white, peach, pale pink, beige, pale brown or orange.
These crystals are in the zeolite family, and they are similar to others in the family in that they are good healing stones that can help you to detox, as well as having other excellent properties.
One of their healing properties is to help brain fog and they also may help to release negative thinking that might cause your health issues to heal less quickly.
They help reiki healers who are using their reiki energy for healing, by boosting the flow of their calming energy to the person being healed, including to you, especially if you are healing yourself.
Thomsonite are particularly strong crown chakra stones but they also stimulate all of the other chakras. They work in different ways at the various chakras and you can discover how this works in the article.
Their resonance within the crown chakra may help your concentration and clear your thinking and this makes them beneficial for anyone who is studying.
By also helping you to be more organized they may also help you to structure your study.
Like many other stones they aid the emotions, and soothe stress and tension which many of you may have issues with.
The above orange crystal specimen pictured is of the first piece of Thomsonite that I bought quite a few years back. While it looks soft it isn’t really.
I was first attracted to it as I thought it looked like caramel ice-cream! It is amazing how Spirit works to get your attention.
Thomsonite crystals are fairly easy to obtain as they are found in a number of locations, including in Europe, Australia, Canada and the United States.
Good crystal sellers may have them in stock but they may look a little different depending on where they come from.
Learn all about the other properties of Thomsonite in my article, as it is a quite advantageous stone to work with.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz