Hi there and welcome to my latest edition. Hope you all have a good week-end!
Today’s edition focuses on the third eye chakra stones, which have a strong action to stimulate the pineal gland and assist the growth of psychic abilities.
The third eye chakra is located in the middle of the forehead and the pineal gland is found behind that area of the forehead in the brain.
The crystals that stimulate this area come in a range of colors but many are indigo or purple colored.
But there are plenty of stones of other colors that stimulate this area including the white stones, that are also known to energize the crown and soul star chakras.
The beautiful stone shown above is Purple Scapolite, and its energy works extremely well to stimulate the third eye as well as the crown and soul star chakras.
There are a good number of other properties that this crystal embodies, that can help healing and the development of spiritual and psychic gifts.
There are two articles about the third eye chakra.
The first article is here, and it explains the role of the third eye.
This page talks about the role of the third eye and how it works. Did you know that the pineal gland interacts with the pituitary gland to activate it?
So you need both working together to ensure this area is healthy. The third eye also helps to keep the spinal cord working and ensures you sleep properly as it helps the secretion of melatonin which has a vital role in sleep.
Most of you are probably aware of the major role of this chakra to activate psychic gifts and this is where specific crystals may be helpful.
These crystals are known to trigger various abilities that come under meaning of psychic powers. This includes psychic visions, as this chakra’s major ideal is ‘seeing’ in a spiritual sense.
There are other psychic abilities or gifts that are triggered by this group of stones and they are mentioned in both of these articles too.
There are many images of crystals and stones in this second article and these have a significant action to stimulate this chakra.
Many of the images are of stones that have had their own page written, so keep an eye out for links to many in-depth crystal pages there too.
Quite a few of these are high vibration crystals, that have a powerful action to help you. Many will resonate at the third eye, crown, and soul star chakras, and may boost your spirituality too.
Like many of you, I have quite a few pieces of Amethyst and these resonate within the third eye. Depending on its formation, this crystal may also stimulate the higher chakras.
Amethyst occurs as Elestial Quartz, and the beautiful Dragons Tooth Amethyst is commonly in the Elestial Quartz configuration, and they are powerful crystals to use.
The Elestial Quartz piece shown above is unusual as it is growing as a triplet, with two more pieces with the main crystal. Parts of it are colored black too which makes it unique.
While you can still buy Dragons Tooth Quartz, I have been told that the mine they came from is mined out. So keep an eye out for sellers who have them if you want one as they may not be around for long.
You can see many images of third eye chakra stones in my article, and there are links to various other pages to assist you to learn which of the psychic gifts they stimulate.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz