Stellar Beam Calcite is a beautiful crystal that is also called Dogtooth Calcite.
When you look at the picture you can see why. They have a quite obvious point on the top like a dog’s tooth.
Some pieces are what is called double terminated, like the one in the picture below.
Don’t know what double terminated means? It means it has a point on both ends, and this is helpful to assist energy to move into and out of the crystal.
Stellar Beam Calcite has a very high vibration, and a lovely calming energy that makes them excellent stones for meditation.
I really love the action of these beautiful crystals when you use them in meditation.
They make an easy connection to the higher realms and this helps to create a wonderful meditation experience.
They are quite beautiful crystals that encourage contact with angels and other beings in the higher realms, including your spirit guides.
They bring you immense feelings of peace and tranquility and help you to feel more balanced and serene.
They aid you to let go of any negative feelings that may disturb your peace of mind.
This is because you are connecting up to the soul star chakra above the head and making a deep spiritual connection.
They bring golden light into the body, down from the higher realms via the soul star and crown chakras which infuses you with a powerful spiritual vibration.
Although larger pieces of these crystals are fairly common, they also occur on Sphalerite.
They are found growing on top of the darker Sphalerite stone.
The Stellar Beam Calcite growing on Sphalerite are generally very small crystals, but due to their color are obvious to see.
You can see them pictured on Sphalerite in both of the articles.
I like to use this crystal before bed as it creates an amazingly peaceful state of mind. Their energy encourages deep serenity and they are one of the premier ascension stones.
They enhance your contact with the Divine mind and with teachers in Spirit and with Spirit guides in the higher realms.
They have an excellent energy to aid emotional healing.
They do not generally have any specific physical healing properties. You can learn all about the ways they can benefit you in my article.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz