Hi there and welcome to my latest edition. If you are new here, welcome! I trust you will enjoy learning more about using crystals.
Today’s edition focuses on Serandite, a heart based stone that helps to ease negative feelings of jealousy and distrust by resonating loving energy.
This stone is found in quite a few places but it is still not common, so ask your crystal seller if they have it if you don’t see it, as stones are not always on display on websites or in crystal shops.
The color of this mineral varies depending on where it comes from and its mineral make-up. They are a member of the Wollastonite group of minerals so may have some properties in common with this stone.
It is found alongside quite a few other common minerals and some of these may be included in the stone you buy. They are all listed on the site page and there are links at the bottom to all of them so you can learn more.
Serandite are known to be excellent crystals to boost clairaudience or psychic hearing and are purported to help overall hearing issues.
The more pinkish stones contain manganese and this means that they are a more heart based stone.
They are lovely heart chakra stones that bring loving energy and harmony when placed nearby.
All colors of these stones resonate within the heart chakra and they all have a good energy to help relationships that are having issues from jealousy, regardless of whether what someone thinks is true.
You will notice the stone in the image above has black inclusions and this probably is the black mineral Aegirine, which is an excellent mineral to give protection from psychic attack.
Serandite have quite a few excellent properties that may benefit you, and this includes enhancing musical creativity, which is quite interesting as there are not many stones that do this.
Learn all about the other properties of Serandite in this article, as it is a very beneficial stone to use if you need help with difficult to solve relationship issues.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz