Hi there and welcome to my latest edition. I trust you are feeling good, as this is a lovely time of year when the seasons are changing.
Today’s edition looks at Sardonyx, an interesting crystal that helps to enhance happiness, optimism and confidence.
Its energy also stimulates your self control and boosts motivation, but it also has a large number of other excellent properties.
The photo above is a good example of a stone that contains a mix of the minerals, although they can be quite different to this.
Sardonyx is banded or striped Chalcedony or Agate, and it is also called Sardian Onyx. This is because it a mix of Onyx and Sard which is an old name for orange Carnelian.
Many of you may know Black Onyx stone but it can be other colors. Sardonyx can have stripes of various colors and many of these are orangish if they contain Carnelian.
Of course the more of a particular mineral that is in the stone that you are using, the stronger its influence will be.
This is why its of value to use your intuition when choosing the stone for you, as different colored stones have a vibration that will work better for you personally.
My article talks about as many of the properties that a stone may have but this will depend on the minerals in it, as these attributes may be stronger in some stones than others.
So how does Sardonyx help you? What are its benefits?
The Black Onyx within most stones is well known for its energy as a strong grounding stone, but all colors of Onyx will help you to stay connected to the earth, via their earth chakra energy.
Did you know that Onyx may be white, purple, gray, brown, red, green, yellow or blue?
The image above is predominantly orange which is probably the Carnelian, along with white and brown onyx.
The top image has lovely purple coloration along with black and white (onyx) and orange (carnelian).
This stone also comes in other color variations, and pictures of some of these can be seen on my site page.
Sardonyx benefits: it aids self control and supports self discipline, willpower, motivation and focus and boosts your happiness which is quite powerful.
It is a strong stone to help you when you are studying as it helps you to keep on track, and is beneficial if you work in a job where you need mental discipline to succeed.
Stones with a strong Carnelian influence will be helpful crystals for creativity, and they are advantageous for writers if you feel the need for greater creative thinking.
The mix of energy in them brings a strong psychic protection energy and they also stimulate the higher chakras if they contain white onyx.
There are a lot more powerful properties of Sardonyx talked about in my article, and it is a quite wonderful stone to utilize.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz