Hi there and welcome to the latest edition of my newsletter. I am happy you are here to learn more about the benefits of using crystals.
This time I am focusing on Ruby Zoisite also called Ruby in Zoisite or Anyolite.
What I love about these crystals is the wonderful contrast of colors between the bright green Zoisite, reddish magenta Ruby and the black Tschermakite.
Both how they look and their energy is quite lovely, and they can stimulate feelings of bliss and happiness within you!
Tschermakite is a type of Hornblende and can be just small black spots as well as larger inclusions, depending on the stone.
The combination of these three minerals is powerful as it stimulates the third eye which enhances the energetic and neural connections between your brain and your heart.
They are powerful higher heart chakra stones, and their energy resonates powerfully there to encourage the mind to hear the aspirations of the heart.
They are said to be useful for those who have cancer, and may be beneficial if you need to have chemotherapy or radiation treatment.
They are good crystals for happiness that may trigger the growth of positive energy and enhance your appreciation for all that you have in your life.
The action of Ruby Zoisite at the third eye chakra can assist you to make contact with any spirit guides that are waiting for you to connect with them.
They also help to boost your intuition and are good crystals for creativity.
They help to release negative energy and this may have a quite positive effect to help your life.
These stones have a good healing action that helps to boost your overall energy, and this is primarily related to the vibration of the Ruby mineral.
Take the time to discover more about other properties of Ruby Zoisite in my article, as it is a quite powerful stone to use to help you.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz