Hi there and welcome to my latest newsletter.
Today’s edition focuses on Peruvian Pink Opal also called Andean Pink Opal.
Both the blue and pink Andean Opal are national stones of Peru, as they are found high in the Andean Mountains in Peru.
These pink crystals have a quite delightful vibration with a helpful action to increase loving feelings both towards others and yourself.
The color of these crystals varies quite a lot, and some have lighter or darker patches in them, but they are all gorgeous pink crystals.
They have a strong loving energy that resonates within both the heart and the higher heart chakras to increase feelings of love and compassion towards others.
Their action as higher heart chakra stones helps you to be more loving and caring towards others and this flows throughout your life to benefit everyone you come in contact with.
They are a powerful crystal for self love, so you may have noticed them in my recent post on this subject. This is a valuable energy to increase self esteem.
They are also strong crystals to use for meditation with a quite deep and obvious action to boost Spiritual awakening.
They also help you to connect with angels and spirit guides as well as Spiritual teachers who may guide you in ways to move forward in your life.
Jewelry made from these stones is fairly easy to buy and they are not only beautiful stones, but their energy is wonderful to wear on your body.
For anyone who can’t get jewelry made from this beautiful pink stone, you can use a macrame crystal holder so you can easily wear it.
There are links on my site for buying the macrame crystal holders and you can also simply put a piece in a cloth bag in your pocket.
They have a energy to help you at times when you are experiencing distress or panic as they have a good energy to aid you to let go of feelings of fear.
In addition they also help you to release bad temper and aggressive feelings towards others.
In my article you can learn all about the other properties of Peruvian Pink Opal, so check it out as it is a quite wonderful stone to use in your daily life.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz