Hello and welcome to my latest newsletter which happens to fall right at the start of the equinox, and I trust this energy will benefit everyone.
Today’s edition focuses on Bornite commonly known as Peacock Ore or Peacock Rock.
These stones are some of the most beautiful crystals you can find and the range of colors they come in are superb!
But of course the color is only one aspect of why you might choose them of course.
But you will find pictures of a range of different colored pieces of this stone in the article. Regardless of how they look they all have a similar vibration.
These crystals have a strong positive energy that is powerful to help you if you are feeling depressed or simply need a lift.
They stimulate feelings of joy and happiness, and help you to be aware that embracing the small positive things happening in your life can make a difference to the quality of your life.
They are beneficial to assist you when you are in need of clearing clutter, the excess stuff many of you may own and that you need to get rid of.
I recently started to clear clutter at my place, and took a boot-full of various things to a local charity shop. I have to say it felt good to know that I was also helping others.
But clearing physical clutter is not the only type of clutter that its energy can assist with as they resonate strongly within the crown chakra helping the mind.
Often there is mental stuff which could also be called clutter, that is blocking you from being able to move forward and achieve your aims.
You may find these crystals help you to release this other type of clutter.
Peacock Rocks are beneficial crystals for creativity that spark the growth of creative ideas by stimulating the sacral or navel chakra.
Use these stones in meditation as they have a number of benefits and in particular their action within the crown chakra may help you think clearly.
They are also excellent stones to boost spiritual growth and healing and have a good calming energy when you are stressed.
My article on easy meditation techniques may help you if you are not sure how to meditate. If you already know there may be some tips there that can also help you.
Learn all about the other properties of Peacock Ore in my article, as it is a quite wonderful crystal to make use of.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz