Hi there and welcome to my latest edition. Today’s edition focuses on The Best Crystals For Sleep.
Have you been experiencing insomnia or finding an inability to get to sleep is making life difficult?
Then you might find it helpful to keep specific crystals that help you to sleep better nearby.
There are 18 crystals in particular that are beneficial if you are having sleep problems.
So what is insomnia? My article explains the meaning of insomnia and also covers the different reasons why various crystals help insomnia, and why.
The word insomnia is sometimes misinterpreted, but basically it has two meanings. These are habitual sleeplessness or the inability to sleep.
These may sound alike but they aren’t the same. The word habitual relates to frequent inability to sleep, and mainly relates to getting to sleep at night.
Some of you may find you get to sleep but wake up later and then have an inability to get back to sleep for some time, and this may be for hours. So discouraging!
Lying awake is frustrating when you need your sleep, and sometimes you can feel irritated or annoyed, whether it is when you first go to bed or if it is in the middle of the night.
So how can these 18 crystals help you? Each of the crystals in this article work differently, as they embody different properties depending on the minerals they contain.
The main ways that they can help you are covered in this article but you can also click through to read their specific page to learn other ways that they benefit you.
If you are awake in the middle of the night, you might find that your thoughts go round in circles, stopping your mind from settling back into restful sleep.
Many people also find that trying to meditate causes a similar situation to occur, with your mind being unable to settle when you want to let go and meditate.
Some of the stones for sleep also are good crystals for deep meditation, so check out the various stones. If this is your problem, some stones may help both issues.
I find the beautiful white Scolecite crystal shown above helps me to get back to sleep easily, and it is one of the stones on the list of sleep crystals.
Quartz in the bedroom: Take care though if you are using any type of quartz in the bedroom, not necessarily to help you sleep but for any reason.
In the past I had lots of quartz crystals in the bedroom but after a while I found this was causing me to be unable to sleep well.
Quartz has strong amplification properties and this can mean that their energy will resonate into the space where they are located.
Of course a way to get around this is to program the piece of quartz you are using to help you to sleep.
By the way, any stone that has been programmed by you or anyone else, can be cleared of the programming.
So if you change your mind about the program it is easy to clear the program.
Both Amethyst and Rose Quartz are made of quartz and are also well known as sleep crystals.
But if you can’t sleep and one of these stones is in your bedroom, try taking it out for a week or so and see if that works to help your sleep.
If you want their energy close by, instead put them in other places where you spend time while you work it out. Wearing them during the day will also help.
There are no hard and fast rules for this. It can be trial and error to see what works for you.
There are quite a few stones that are calming like the beautiful Lavender Lepidolite at the top of the page.
Lepidolite is also a good stress relief crystal so this can be helpful as well, so while reading through the list of crystals for better sleep, take note of other properties that individual stones embody.
I trust you will find this list of crystals to help you to sleep better is helpful, and as many of them are well known, they should be easy to obtain.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz