Hi there and welcome to my latest edition. I hope you are all going well.
Thank goodness it won’t be long before the seasons and the weather changes and everyone gets relief.
Today’s edition focuses on Mental Telepathy. Do you know what Mental Telepathy is and how it works?
Mental Telepathy is sharing/sending your thoughts to someone else and this may be on purpose but it doesn’t need to be. Sometimes it happens on its own.
Mental telepathy is also called thought transference and this is because the process transfers thought from one person to another.
It naturally occurs between people who are close, and this may be between those in a relationship, friends or between family members who often hear the thoughts of their loved ones.
The beautiful Apophyllite crystal shown above is one the crystals on the list of stones that will help to stimulate telepathic ability.
You can learn about all of the properties of Apophyllite here.
Did you know that telepathic ability can be developed using crystals? In some cases it can take some time, for other people it happens quite quickly.
The process is about the sending and receiving of messages in thought form.
Depending on the psychic communication ability that is most dominant in you, you may receive the message as a picture or a vision similar to clairvoyance.
Or it may be like a message spoken via your thoughts similar to clairaudience.
At the beginning the messages that often come through are when the person wants something that has a strong desire attached!
If you are in a relationship it might be personal, but it is also likely to be something like… “I’d love a cup of coffee!”
That is what my partner and I found for quite a while, and if you keep going with the process it get stronger and you will more easily get the right message.
It may be beneficial to use some crystals for mental clarity as well, as they will help to ensure the message gets through clearly.
When you are stressed or anxious the message may come through muddled, so if this happens you may like to add in some of the lithium based crystals.
The lithium based crystals are quite calming and help stress and tension. This includes Lithium Quartz, Lepidolite, Kunzite and others.
There are also quite a few other lithium based stones listed in a specific section in the article about Crystals For Stress.
Heliodor pictured above, is another excellent crystal to help you to develop this gift. Heliodor is the bright yellow variety of Beryl (and is in the same family as Aquamarine and Emerald stones.)
This gift can happen quickly for some people but it might take longer for others to develop it. But it is not a competition!
The most important thing to remember is to stay calm while working on developing it.
There is a fairly long list of crystals that boost telepathic gifts, so take a look and see what comes to your attention. As always your intuition should guide your choice.
There are more tips on how to work with this gift in the article. I hope you enjoy learning how to do it!
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz