Hi there and welcome to the latest edition of my newsletter.
Today’s edition is all about Crystals For Patience that can help you at those times when you feel frustrated because things are not happening quickly enough.
Did you know that there are crystals to help you to be tolerant while you wait for what you want to happen?
My article has 19 stones and crystals that might help you. You can read about the healing and metaphysical properties of the top ten of them in this article.
The deep blue Dumortierite stone shown above not only helps you to be patient, but it has a great number of other excellent qualities.
Dumortierite is one of the stones on the list and its action to stimulate your ability to be more patient is only one of its amazing properties.
It also helps to activate the brain when you are studying and helping to boost psychic abilities.
What does Patience mean?
The Cambridge Dictionary says: the ability to wait, or to continue doing something despite difficulties, or to suffer without complaining or becoming annoyed.
You might all be aware that its not always about getting annoyed, but impatience may also cause you to feel depressed if it goes on too long.
Even day to day events can challenge your patience, and even simple things like being caught in heavy traffic for ages or having to wait in a shop to be served can make you feel frustrated and grumpy.
This is why using the crystals for patience may be helpful, and there are quite a few ways that you can use them to help you to feel in control when you might otherwise get upset.
Many of the stones listed are well known, and it may be fairly easy to get crystal jewelry made from them to wear every day so their energy will help you.
Alternatively, as mentioned on my site in a few places, put an inexpensive stone in a macrame crystal holder, as this may be a helpful way to keep them on your body.
Having one of the stones on your body or nearby during the day at work, can also benefit you.
At home you might place one on the bedside, or where you spend the most time, to stop impatient thoughts from bothering you.
Note that many of them have other powerful properties as well.
The beautiful pink beryl called Morganite is on the list. It has a strong loving energy and may help you to remain peaceful and serene if you are finding it hard to wait for what you want.
You may choose to keep Morganite in the bedroom too as it is an excellent stone for enhancing relationships.
Many of you may have the beautiful Labradorite stone, and this is another one of the crystals that is on the list to encourage patience.
It is easy to obtain Labradorite jewelry and these lovely stones have some really powerful properties that makes them an excellent choice.
There are a lot more crystals in this article that can help you to feel calm and patient when the things you are waiting for don't happen fast enough.
In the article you can learn about the other crystals for this purpose and see their properties too. Most have an in-depth article so you can click through to learn more.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz