Hi there! Welcome to my latest newsletter.
Whether you are new to crystals or have been using them for years, I trust you will enjoy reading about today’s quite beautiful mineral that I have recently written about my site.
Today’s edition focuses on Kutnohorite, a stone many of you may not have heard about, that has a powerful vibration.
Many of these crystals are pink, some a pale pink like the one pictured above but others are brighter pink.
Some of these stones are pale brownish pink, especially those that come from Australia.
The above stone and another light pink piece came from a site where crystals from Judy Hall’s collection were selling a few years back.
While pink Kutnohorite is not as easy to obtain, the pale brown stones from Broken Hill in NSW Australia may be easier to buy.
So why would you choose to use one of these stones? These crystals are quite strong higher heart chakra stones.
They have a powerful energy yet they work gently to help you. Their vibration has an action to infuse you with Divine love.
The color of the pink crystals is related to the inclusion of higher amounts of the mineral manganese. The brownish pink stones also contain iron along with the manganese.
Kutnohorite are good stones for communication, that are also excellent stones for truth.
If you need this specific energy there are quite a few other crystals for truth that you could use, and note some have a strong energy to help you or others to be truthful.
The above piece of Kutnohorite is brownish pink so is likely to contain iron as well as manganese. Manganese helps to encourage heart based healing.
Having iron included naturally in any crystal make them have a good energy to aid healing as they can strengthen the blood, and may boost vitality.
If you would like to discover more properties of Kutnohorite, there is of course more information in my article. This is a quite wonderful stone to utilize if you can obtain some.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz