Hi there and welcome to my latest edition.
Today’s edition focuses on various aspects of programming crystals.
My in-depth article explains how to program your favorite crystals and features my top ten tips to achieve this with ease.
It explains the reason why you might to do this, and there are instructions to get you started straight away, once you have cleansed your crystal.
This article concentrates on quartz crystals as they are very easy to program due to their mineral content being mainly silica with some other minerals that create color as well.
Other crystals such as many of the agate and jasper family of stones also contain silica so these may also be programmed fairly easily.
Note: its important to cleanse your crystals first before making any decision, as crystals can pick up negative energy that you need to remove first.
One of my tips is to program large quartz crystal pieces to self cleanse (of negativity) as this is also helpful.
You might also choose to program a large quartz cluster that is in your home for ideals such as peace and harmony, that sort of thing.
All quartz crystals will amplify any program and the bigger the cluster the more you can expect its energy to resonate into its surroundings.
Also charging them is advantageous as well, so check out some of the ways that charging your crystals can be done with ease.
This can be done at any time, before or after you program your crystals.
There is another aspect of programming crystals that is of value to know about, and that this is how de-programming crystals is done.
There are two main reason for needing to know how to deprogram crystals.
The first is that many crystal sellers program your stones before they send them.
Of course this is done by most of them with good intentions, in that they place a program into the crystal that could benefit you.
But if you receive a stone and it feels wrong, it could be that this program isn’t right for you and that it needs to be cleared.
The other reason why you need to know how to deprogram stones, is that some people program their crystal, and then change their mind about what they did.
Maybe you feel you did it wrong (in the eye of the beholder of course) or just think something else might work better.
Also, once you have used your crystals with a program in for a while, it may have done its job and you’d like it to do something else for you.
It is advantageous to know how to program crystals as well as how to remove a program as well.
So check out this article and give some thought to what program might be the most beneficial to you personally.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz
How To Program Quartz Crystals