Hi there and welcome to my latest newsletter.
Today’s newsletter focuses on Crystals To Aid Broken Bones To Heal.
Before I talk about this actual subject, let’s look at how crystals work for any issue.
Crystals embody energy and this relates to the minerals they contain and to some degree to the location they come from.
If you desire a stone to work to help you, part of this help comes from your attitude to healing and your desire and belief that it’s possible.
Part of healing any issue is to calm yourself and allow the body to heal, so stones for stress and tension will be helpful.
At the top of my article on crystals for healing broken bones is a picture of Lepidolite which contains lithium, and there are also other stones that contain lithium that are very calming.
Stones that contain lithium but not specifically stones for broken bones includes Lithium Quartz, Kunzite, Pink Tourmaline, Eucryptite, Amblygonite and Petalite.
Stones for inflammation and those that aid emotional healing, can also be used along with the other listed stones. Both of those subjects have their own article.
While I wore some of the listed stones, I placed other stones I didn’t wish to wear in the area I spent the most time.
So some in the bedroom, like Lepidolite that has a calming energy and others in the living area.
Some of these stones are well known, so if you have them you can place them where you spend the most time, so they can resonate out and benefit your healing.
For months after I broke my wrist I wore a tigers eye bracelet, higher up my arm, one that had beads that sat flat on my skin. This was very helpful.
I use a macrame crystal holder, one that you could change the stones in, as it has a bead at the top.
This allowed me to place various stones in it, and to decide what was working for me the best.
All of the stones for healing broken bones have their own in-depth article, so you can decide if they are for you.
If you don’t have any broken bones right now, it is still good to know about them anyway, so you can remember and utilize them for yourself, family or friends if they are needed.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz