Happy Valentines Day! Today’s newsletter is about stones that stimulate the heart chakra.
Heart chakra crystals are stones for love, that assist you to live a loving life.
Ensuring this area is healthy can be highly beneficial to improve relationships as they help you to develop greater compassion and unconditional love.
Green Emerald is one of the well known stones for relationships and is often made into precious jewelry that is wonderful to wear!
Stones for this area including many of the pink or green stones which strongly vibrate within the etheric heart.
Heart Chakra Stones are powerful to help you to live from the heart, as this chakras meaning is all about the concept of 'loving' in all meanings of the word.
This chakra may be boosted by the use of stones that stimulate this area, bringing a stronger desire to live a life filled with joy and happiness.
I trust you all have a lovely day, filled with happiness and can spend time with someone you love.
Love and light Liz