Hi there and welcome to my latest edition.
Mother's Day is in May in both the United States and Australia, so for all the mothers reading this I hope you have a fantastic Mothers Day!
What a beautiful time of year it is, makes you feel good to be alive!
Mother's Day is about love for your mother and grandmother and in turn motherly love for your children too of course.
Today’s edition focuses on Kunzite a beautiful heart based crystal that heals the emotions, so if you are having family issues it may benefit you.
Kunzite is also called Spodumene and is commonly a pink or lavender color but there are also other colors including yellow and green varieties which are called Hiddenite.
Their vibration aids the the flow of loving energy into your life and your surroundings and it may help to boost emotional healing.
They have a good energy to relieve stress and tension as they help you to let go of negative emotions that might be stressing you.
All colors of Kunzite are both heart chakra and higher heart chakra stones.
In addition the lavender stones have a strong energy to stimulate the higher chakras, such as the third eye, crown and soul star chakra as well.
The loving vibration of these stones will help relationships of all kinds. This might be with your family, including your Mother or Grandmother but it also applies to everyone in your life.
Kunzite are love stones that enhance romantic love and help to balance your emotions and assist you to feel more open and trusting towards your partner.
These pink crystals will also encourage self love and aid self esteem.
By encouraging intimate bonds with your partner, are excellent stones to ensure you have a loving and harmonious relationship.
You can learn more about the properties of these stones in my article.
I trust you all have a wonderful Mothers Day!
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz