Hi there and welcome to the latest edition of my newsletter. If you are new here welcome! I trust you enjoy learning more about crystals.
Today’s edition focuses on Green Ridge Quartz, which is found in only one location, Green Ridge in the Cascade Mountains in Washington State in the United States.
The main reason for using these crystals is that they are powerful to place on the body at specific chakra locations to enhance healing.
Green Ridge Quartz crystals are very high vibration crystals and they are extremely powerful healing stones, especially pieces that have an iron coating.
They can be fully coated (you can see pictures of fully iron coated crystals in the article) or like the piece above may have a partial coating, and this works to assist you in a number of ways.
This coating makes them have a strong action as grounding stones, and they will help to connect you fully to the earth.
While they do aid grounding, the strong action of the iron coating works primarily to release darkness and negative energy trapped within your energy field and may help to prevent negative thinking.
Many of these crystals contain various other minerals and these combinations can be quite interesting.
Many of them are partly orange crystals as in some cases they may simply have orange patches on them.
Also check out the images of the beautiful bright Golden Healer crystals in this group that are an orange yellow color. These bright yellow crystals have a high vibration that works throughout your energy field.
But they have a particularly powerful action as both sacral chakra stones and solar plexus crystals.
Some of the white or clear crystals may be Elestial Quartz, and these have a powerful action to assist spiritual growth.
Clear or White Green Ridge Quartz are excellent used within the higher chakras, where they have a potent action to boost your spirituality.
They are amazing soul star chakra stones that can be used by placing them above the head. They are also helpful at the crown chakra too, and work well in meditation to boost spiritual growth.
They also help to create clearer thinking as well as healing your emotions.
While these crystals are not common, there are crystal shops who sell them, or you can ask your favorite place if they have any not shown, or if they can get them.
They are quite wonderful stones to use, so if you are able to find a piece this will be highly effective to use in a healing grid, by placing it on your body or within the soul star chakra above the head.
They can be combined with other crystals or stones and they will stimulate the other crystal to work more effectively. Like all quartz they can also be programmed if you wish. See link to the instructions for how this is done in the article.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz.