Hello and welcome to my latest newsletter. My prayers are with you all and I hope everyone reading this is in a safe area.
Anyone who is a gardener would recognize the name Dolomite as Dolomite powder is used by most people who grow fruit and vegetables, as it has a good action to ensure their growth is strong and healthy.
Today’s edition focuses on Dolomite Stones and because they have such beneficial properties you might understand why they work so well for healing.
Although they are quite common, many people are not aware that they can be used as a healing stone and that they have many excellent metaphysical properties.
You can buy this crystal as a tumblestone but I quite like the naturally occurring pink stone shown below which is quite beautiful!
So how does it help you? One of the best ways that it might benefit you is its action when you are grieving, as it is helpful to ease your emotions when you are dealing with loss and sadness and stress. I know this is affecting many people right now.
It’s vibration works within all of the chakras, with different actions depending on where it is resonating. It has strong properties that work within the higher chakras and will benefit you in quite a few ways that are outlined in the site article.
It is a lovely calming stone to use in meditation and is also quite protective. It is especially beneficial to use, as it is also a strong base chakra stone.
It works to take negativity down through the base or root chakra to mother earth for release. This is why it is known as an excellent grounding stone as it sets free any built up energy that you need to let go of.
It is a great healing stone that helps in quite a few ways. One aspect in particular might be obvious if you think of how it helps plants.
It is a well known folk remedy that was used in the past for both healing the skin and for healing broken bones.
It has a lovely calming vibration so using it in meditation is advantageous as it will help you to let go of feelings you no longer need to hold onto.
Having difficulty getting into meditation? Check out my tips for an alternative idea for helping you if this is your problem.
This is an excellent stone if you have children who have nightmares or who are suffering from bad dreams. It may also help them to let go of night terrors too.
There is lots more in the article including a section about its healing properties. Discover more about Dolomite in my article, as it is a quite helpful stone to make use of.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz