Hi there and welcome to my latest edition.
Today’s edition focuses on Crystals To Prevent Psychic Attack and you can also discover the symptoms of psychic attack.
How do you know you are being attacked? What could you experience?
There is an in-depth section in my article outlining the symptoms or most common ways that people are impacted.
Malachite is the gorgeous green stone pictured above.
Malachite is one of the most powerful stones to prevent attack by negative entities. Just be sure you get sealed stones such as tumbled pieces or jewelry as the raw stone is unsafe to use.
The article about Crystals To Prevent Psychic Attack lists the best and strongest crystals and stones to use for prevention of attack.
It has suggestions about how to use them and as mentioned above describes the symptoms of psychic attack.
There are a number of excellent crystals you can use to block this type of attack and there are quite a few that can be used to put a stop to this.
Placing these crystals around places where you spend the most time is the most beneficial method of prevention as they create an energetic barrier around you.
Many attacks happen at night while you are asleep so gridding your bed may be useful, and may help you to sleep better.
Also remember that you can create an energetic barrier at your doors, or anywhere where you feel the attack is coming from.
Many of these crystals are good Crystals For Home Protection, and you can read more in that article about best ways to protect your home from attack.
Aegirine is one of the top crystals for this purpose, and they are very powerful as they help to break the connection of negative malicious beings that may be already attached to you.
Black Tourmaline is on the list of course as it is one of the most protective stones you can use. And it also helps you in all sorts of other ways including to aid grounding.
But there are quite a few other potent stones listed in this article.
So check it out if you feel you could benefit by knowing more about the Crystals To Prevent Psychic Attack as well as the symptoms of psychic attack.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz