Hi there and welcome to the latest edition of my newsletter.
Today I am talking about the best crystals to use to help you with solving problems.
In this article I have information about the properties of the best seven crystals for this purpose.
In addition there is another list of crystals or stones that can also help you to find solutions below the top seven.
The beautiful bright pink Cobaltian Calcite is one of crystals on this list.
There are seven crystals on the list and each one has information in this article on the ways they can help with problem solving as well as other ways they might benefit you.
In addition you can also click through and learn more about the other properties of each of them, in their own in-depth article. A link to the page is under the images.
You may find it beneficial to use any of the crystals for problem solving in meditation, and many of them will trigger the birth of various psychic powers or abilities.
Where applicable most sections list the particular gifts they can trigger. As you read through the information, just allow your intuition to guide you when making your choice.
As most of the stones are fairly easy to get, you might find it helpful to get jewelry and wear them during times that you are working on trying to work out what to do to solve a particular issue.
Alternatively place a piece in the area where you sit to think about what you might do, so their energy can stimulate your problem solving abilities.
Ulexite is a very helpful stone to use for this purpose as it can boost your imagination and may spark inspired thinking.
Ulexite is also helpful to smooth relationship problems and its energy may help you to come up with some innovative or inspired ideas to solve your problems.
Read all about the other stones listed and discover if the metaphysical and healing properties of any of them gets your attention.
That’s all for now. I hope you all have a great week-end. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz