Hi there and welcome to my latest edition. Hope you enjoy reading it!
I missed out on sending the last email as I had the flu, but I am now back feeling better!
Today’s edition focuses on crystals for overthinking.
So what is overthinking? The sort of thinking known as overthinking is when a thought and its related ideas just won’t stop.
It often keeps repeating when your mind isn’t occupied with other thoughts.
It may be that you find it hard to stop thinking because your mind is continually filled with obsessive thoughts, negative self-talk and mental chatter that repeats itself over and over.
The crystal above is Fluorite and this is an unusual piece that is a beautiful blue-green color.
Fluorite is one of the more beneficial crystals to use to stop those annoying thoughts from continuing.
The Fluorite article can be read here.
There are actually two articles about Fluorite. The first one covers general properties of Fluorite of all types and colors.
There is a link there to a second article, that has pictures of many colors of this stone with details on what individual colors do to help you.
In addition to Fluorite, there are other crystals that help to stop overthinking and you can read more about how they help you in the article on crystals for overthinking.
Overthinking is also referred to as Ruminating. The meaning of ruminating is when you keep thinking about the same thing over and over, and often its thoughts that worry you.
One of the times when ruminating is known to happen is in the middle of the night. You may go to sleep without trouble, only to wake up in the night.
You may find that this is annoying and of course that does not benefit you at all. When you are irritated at yourself it won’t help!
Fortunately many of the stones on the list have a calming energy that may soothe you and help you to let go of irritated feelings.
Some of the crystals on the list are also helpful if you also find it hard to relax when you wish to meditate.
Stilbite is on the list and in particular is an amazing stone that helps to stop overthinking.
It also helps you to get deeper into meditation and is an excellent crystal to help you to get to sleep and has quite a few other benefits.
Also on the list is Amazonite (pictured above), a quite beautiful stone that is another powerful crystal to stop overthinking.
You can read about it in the article and there is a link to its in-depth page there, as it has quite a lot of other helpful properties.
Most of the crystals on this list are fairly well known, which means they are easy to buy. If you keep your stone on you during the day this may be helpful.
But if you are most impacted by overthinking at night, the best thing to do is to put a piece either under your pillow or on the bedside table where its energy may help you at the time.
Learn all about Crystals For Overthinking in my article. Even if you don’t have the problem at the moment it’s good to be prepared just in case you need to know in the future.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz