Hi there and welcome to my latest edition. I trust the weather has been bright and sunny where you are.
Today’s edition focuses on Memory and specific crystals to enhance how your memory works.
For anyone who is studying or has studied in the past, you know how important having a good memory is, and if you have a memory problem it can make life hard.
One of the stones for memory is Hematite. The picture above is of reconstituted Hematite and it is often available made into bracelets or necklaces that you can wear to boost your memory.
The headline of my page says the top seven crystals for memory but there are more of course and these are listed below the top seven.
As always it is helpful to click through to learn more about how a specific crystal can help you. I have covered the major ways they work, but their own article may tell you more.
There are two top ways to use any of the crystals for memory. The first one is to keep it close to you, in the place where you spend the most time, including on the desk at work if that applies.
If you have more than one of these crystals, put them in various places so that their energy will be close by and helpful to boost your memory.
The other way is to wear it on your body, and if you have a stone rather then jewelry, get a macrame crystal holder to make it easier.
One of the stones shown below the major seven is Thenardite, and it is not listed as one of the top seven even though maybe it should be, but it can be hard to get.
Thenardite helps you to remember things you have to do. This might be appointments or even simple things like when you have to take your pills so that can be very helpful.
Some of these crystals are also excellent to help those who are a bit older, as they can help when the issue with memory is simply aging.
There are a few high vibration crystals in the top seven and some of these were covered in recent newsletters so you might remember them.
Herderite, Prophecy Stone, Datolite and Diaspore are all high vibration crystals that aid memory.
Disapore specifically helps age related memory issues so if that applies to you, take note of its properties. It is not common but can be bought at specialist crystal shops.
Learn all about the properties of crystals for memory in my article, and click through to their in-depth page to learn more.
This can be helpful to improve your life if forgetfulness is an issue for you.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz