Hi there and welcome to this edition of my newsletter. I have missed a few weeks as I had an accident and badly injured the right side of my body, including breaking some ribs!
They are healing well, but it takes time. Fortunately I had already researched inflammation, broken bones and crystals for pain relief so I was able to utilize these stones to help me, see more below.
Please note: A few weeks back I began sending a newsletter using Grow.
Grow sends a mix of site pages usually early in the week, and this is an excellent way for you to see more of the articles you might have otherwise missed.
So you can learn about crystals you might not have seen.
I will send another newsletter from Substack when I am feeling okay to do so, hopefully on a regular basis again assuming my healing goes well.
There are three articles in particular where you can learn about the best crystals and stones to help you when you have been injured in a similar way to what I was.
These three pages are:
Crystals and stones to help inflammation.
There are a number of excellent stones that will help you if you have any condition that causes swelling and this includes a number of painful conditions.
Crystals that help the healing of broken bones.
Using the stones listed in this article can be effective to assist you to heal more quickly than you might otherwise do.
Stones that enhance the release of pain are beneficial of course.
Using crystals for pain can be valuable and there are many types of pain that most of you will experience at various times.
It is useful to have a way to assist your energy system to deal with painful issues when other treatments aren’t helping you enough.
Inflammation can be caused by many different problems, and there are quite a few conditions that can cause painful swelling, including accidents.
All three articles are highly beneficial to help you when you have been injured.
Read through these articles and if any of the stones intuitively take your interest this may be a sign that they could benefit you.
There are quite a few stones on these pages, and most have links through to in-depth pages about them where you can learn more.
As many are well known crystals you might already have some, that you can put to use straight away if you have a problem.
One of the most beneficial pain relief crystals is Black Tourmaline. There are so many excellent reasons to use it, including for relief of pain of course, especially muscle pain, arthritis and pain in the spine.
Keeping a piece nearby is advantageous as just holding it in your hand when you need relief is very powerful.
I have pieces all over my home so it’s easy to grab one when I need it, and it’s also an excellent EMF protection stone and has a strong grounding action.
All of the three articles referenced above have a number of crystals and stones that may benefit you, and this of course does depend on why you wish to use them.
So read through and see what takes your interest.
Rose Quartz is powerful for emotional healing and is another potent stone that aids pain especially if you feel emotionally drained.
Rose Quartz is very helpful when the pain is causing you to find it hard to cope emotionally.
They are powerful crystals to prevent negative thinking and will help to release fear and aid you to let go of any anger related to events that caused your problems.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz
It's getting better day by day, but I appreciate the healing light. Thank you Carol.
Sorry to hear you have sustained an injury - healing light being sent to you :-)