Hi there and welcome to my latest edition.
Today’s edition focuses on Crystals For Happiness.
These stones have a vibration that helps to enhance feelings of exhilaration, playfulness, good spirits and laughter!
The stones on this list resonate with an energy that helps to lift your mood, by boosting inner joy, peace of mind and optimism.
This may help you to feel better about your life and can be helpful when horrible things that are happening in the world are constantly in the media.
The above crystal is a beautiful green Chrysoprase stone. These green crystals have a powerful energy to help to boost happy feelings within you.
Chrysoprase vibrates with the energy of Divine truth and helps to attract increased abundance, love and prosperity.
They are strong crystals for truth, that help you to be aware of the authenticity of what is said to you.
The list of crystals for happiness contains a number of powerful stones that will help to increase feelings that boost your mood, over time.
They are not a quick fix, so if this is what you want you may have to be patient while the energy works to lift your emotions and helps you to release troubling thoughts.
An increase of endorphins in your system is known to make a major improvement in how you feel every day.
Many of the stones for happiness are well known and if you can obtain any of them, wearing them every day will help you. You can put one in your pocket or use a macrame crystal holder, or wear jewelry made from any of these stones.
If you have a desk job, leave one nearby each day so you will benefit from its energy. Just make sure that you cleanse any crystals you are using as they may absorb negativity, which is part of how they help you.
At home, put any stones you are using in the area where you spend the most time. In many cases this is the bedroom, and it might help you to wake up feeling happier.
Each of the crystals on the list have information on other ways they might help you and they all have a specific article so you can click through and read more.
Crazy Lace Agate (pictured above) is known as the Laughter Stone!
So of course it is one of the crystals on the list, as laughter is closely related to happiness and feelings of joy.
There are thirty crystals featured in this article, and all of them have an energy that will help to lift your mood, create happiness and improve how you feel.
Many are fairly common stones, and you might already them. If you have them and are not using them, take action and place any of these stones where you spend the most time!
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz