Hi there and welcome to my latest edition which focuses on some beautiful stones that inspire you to laugh!
Today’s edition focuses on The Laughter Stone or Crazy Lace Agate. They are great stones to keep nearby to lift your spirits and boost positive feelings!
Also known as Happy Lace, these crystals also have some other really excellent properties.
They are good crystals to heal your emotions and they may also enhance meditation with their calming energy.
These crystals come in a range of beautiful colors including shades of orange like the the orange crystal above. They all have lacy inclusions but some are more lacey than others.
A clear example of a very lacey piece is the one in the image below which is very lacy but not as bright as the orange piece.
They have some powerful properties to release gloomy feelings, lift your spirits and are of course powerful crystals to boost joy and happiness!
They good crystals for releasing anger so their vibration may also help you or others who are located nearby to let go of angry feelings.
So if your partner or even your workmates are hot-tempered or even a little hostile or annoyed on a regular basis, keep a piece nearby, as this could be helpful.
Like all types of Agate they are silica based, meaning they are in the quartz crystal family, so this means they resonate well into the area where you place them.
Their positive properties mean that keeping them in the area where you spend the most time will help to lift you and anyone else in the area where they are located.
Quartz based stones can be programmed, so also keep that in mind.
These crystals encourage uninhibited laughter so are wonderful to inspire anyone nearby to chuckle or giggle unexpectedly, so this can bring a bit of fun into your life!
They are also good meditation stones that increase peace and harmony, and are calming and soothing at those times when you wish to happily sink into a lovely relaxed state.
If you are not sure how to meditate, check out my easy meditation instructions to get you started.
There are quite a few other properties I haven’t mentioned, so check out my article to discover more benefits of Crazy Lace Agate crystals.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz