Hi there and welcome to my latest edition. Thank you for being here!
Today’s edition focuses on Chrysocolla, which is a beautiful greenish blue crystal that often has gorgeous coloration.
The vibration of Chrysocolla enriches the way you communicate as they have a lovely heart based vibration that encourages heartfelt communication with others.
They boost the flow of loving energy in your life, and bring your system into alignment with Spirit.
They are both revitalizing and soothing and have a good calming action to assist you emotionally as they help to relieve deep stress and tension.
They are good crystals to prevent you from getting hot under the collar when you are feeling angry, and just want to release your annoyance towards someone who has triggered hostility.
These gorgeous stones help to strengthen truthful and open communication with others and they are good crystals to boost your patience.
They have an excellent action to help you to speak in an inspired way, allowing other people to clearly understand the basis of what you are sharing.
You may find it beneficial to wear it on your body, and jewelry made this stone is fairly easy to obtain.
Alternatively you could keep a piece nearby during the day or place one on your bedside at night, to encourage you to feel empathy towards others.
This bluish-green crystal has a large number of good healing properties in addition to its metaphysical attributes, and they may boost the growth of psychic gifts.
Use them in regular meditation on the forehead where the third eye chakra is located, as this has a good action to stimulate clairvoyant ability or psychic visions.
Learn all about the other properties of Chrysocolla in my article, as it is a delightful stone to benefit your life.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz