Hi there and welcome to my latest edition. Today’s edition focuses on the Chakra Meanings.
My site article explains simply what chakras are and more. This may give you clarity if you aren’t sure about the chakras.
In many of my articles on my site I mention that a specific crystal or stone resonates within a particular chakra, so I thought it may be helpful to explain more about them.
What are chakras? Chakras are energy vortices that exist within the etheric body which is the energy field that surrounds the body.
The chakras are quite dynamic, with constant change and activity happening to bring an influx of positive energy into the body to aid healing of each area.
The health of each individual chakra will have a major effect on your overall health, as each chakra governs the health of the organs within the area it relates to.
Keeping all of your chakras healthy is important. These vortexes draw energy into them and they spiral that energy in and back out, often with a very powerful flow as they transmit life force energy to the body.
There are major chakras and minor chakras, in fact there are hundreds of minor chakras. But the chakras we mostly think about are the seven major chakras.
In addition there are two important chakras, one located above the head and the other below the feet.
In addition the higher heart chakra is often discussed, and it is located within the general area of the heart and throat chakras to one side.
The seven major chakras are located along the spinal column and they govern the health of specific areas of the body, that are in front of the area of the spine where they are located.
The article talks about individual colors that the chakras resonate with, and there are links on the page to individual articles about each of the seven major chakras as well as the soul star, earth star and higher heart chakras.
Clear Quartz resonates within all chakras, as white light is composed of all colors, so it is a powerful crystal to use anywhere in the body.
The chakra meanings article has a large number of links to individual pages. There are articles on how the individual chakras work as well as separate articles on the crystals and stones for each chakra.
Use your intuition to help you to decide what to read about, and what you feel is of value to you to learn about first. Consider any areas of the body that could be helped by boosting the chakra related to that spot.
I hope you find this helpful. That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz