Hi there and welcome to the latest edition of my newsletter.
Today’s newsletter focuses on Blue Tourmaline or Indicolite.
The mineral Indicolite is commonly found as an inclusion in Quartz but it is also found as a mineral in its own right.
Blue Tourmaline is not common but is worth using for quite a few reasons. It has a lovely peaceful energy that is beautiful for meditation.
The energy of these crystals is beneficial for meditation as it helps to boost psychic gifts such as clairvoyance or psychic visions.
They may also assist you to develop mediumship or channeling gifts. This is the ability to connect with those on the other side of the veil who have passed over.
Mediumship is helpful for those of you who may feel that you could benefit by knowing that this life is not the end.
Being able to contact those who are passed over, and getting messages from them is powerful to aid you to release the fear of death.
In addition the energy of these stones has a beneficial action to assist you when you are working to contact your spirit guides.
Your spirit guides may also assist you to more easily connect with loved ones in Spirit.
Indicolite crystals are also powerful stones to boost the gift of automatic writing.
This is when you allow your hand to write what comes through from spirit. There is more information on how to do this in the automatic writing article.
These blue crystals have a few more properties that may benefit you as well.
They are helpful for crystal healers to use to aid them to ascertain what the health issue is that the client is suffering with.
They are good crystals for headaches and migraines and may assist the healing of issues in the brain.
They are also good grounding stones and are helpful throat chakra stones that may assist communication.
You can learn all about the other properties of Indicolite or Blue Tourmaline in my article.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz