Hi there and welcome to my latest newsletter and a particularly warm welcome to anyone who has just joined. I trust you will enjoy learning more about crystals.
Today’s edition focuses on Gibbsite, a stone that many of you may not have previously heard of. It is not a rare stone but nor is it common.
It is usually seen as a blue stone, but does sometimes occur in other colors.
As mentioned in the page title, this blue stone has a good energy to help you to make better decisions and can help you to resolve issues in a relaxed manner.
They are not only excellent crystals for decision making but have a good energy to use in meditation, and this is one of the best ways to use them.
They assist you to travel further during meditation when you are in the higher realms, and may aid you to make contact with beings that can aid you to make helpful choices.
They can help you to resolve difficult issues and may assist you to find beneficial solutions by their action to help you to come to the right conclusion needed to create a better future for yourself.
Like many blue crystals they have a good energy within the throat chakra both to aid healing and to enhance communication ability.
They useful crystals to aid emotional healing as they have a peaceful calming vibration, so placing them in an area where you spend time may be helpful.
While they are not common stones, many of the better crystal sellers will have pieces of them, so follow up with your favorite sellers to see if they have any.
Learn about the other helpful properties of Gibbsite in this article, as it is a beneficial stone to use to aid your life.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz