Hi there and welcome to my latest edition. I trust you have had a great week!
Today I am talking about Blue Crystals. There are a large number of blue crystals and in this article I have endeavored to feature all of the stones of this color that I have.
This page covers the various properties of the blue crystals and minerals in individual sections with pictures shown of many of the stones that embody these attributes.
The article covers a number of categories and each of these talks about the stones that relate to that aspect of their energy.
The gorgeous blue stone pictured above is Lapis Lazuli, one of the most popular blue stones in many places throughout the world.
You can read about Lapis here. Lapis has been mined in the Sar-i Sang mine since ancient times.
It is the featured blue stone for the article as it just so well known, but there are of course many more blue crystals.
69 blue crystals, stones and minerals in total are pictured in the article.
The color blue is one of the primary colors, but you will notice that there are many shades of blue. Some are darker, some are paler blue and quite a few are a more greenish blue.
Colors noted in the article include the colors turquoise, royal blue and midnight blue as well as aqua, cyan, sky blue and aquamarine. Some of the colors are in fact the names of well known stones as well.
Blue crystals are primarily throat chakra stones, but depending on their individual mineral make-up many are also powerful third eye chakra stones.
Throat chakra stones are powerful healing stones for helping health issues within this area of the body, and many have an excellent action to enhance your communication ability.
Greenish blue stones are also covered in this article and they also resonate within the heart and the higher heart chakra, resonating with a strong loving vibration.
The article has individual sections outlining the various ways individual stones will benefit you, and has pictures and links to each chakra where applicable.
As always: under the pictures in the site article, any stone that has its own in-depth page will have a link under its name, so you can click through and read more about its healing and metaphysical properties.
The above stone is Aquamarine, and this is an example of one of the more popular blue-green heart based stones. You can read about it in its own in-depth article.
Aquamarine is an excellent stone to assist you when you are experiencing grief and it has a strong ability to help communication, and may reduce stress and ease anger.
Learn all about the properties of many other blue crystals in this article, as there are many wonderful blue stones that you can use to enhance your life.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz
Do you have Selentine I'm not sure I spelled it correctly.