Hi there and welcome to my latest edition. I hope you’ve had a good week.
Today’s edition focuses on Azurite, a beautiful blue stone that stimulates the brain and boosts your memory.
This makes it a good stone to use if you are studying and need to retain information. It also resonates within the third eye and helps to trigger psychic gifts.
The Chinese named Azurite "The Stone Of Heaven" as they recognized its action to make a deep connection to the Spiritual realms.
These blue crystals work within the crown chakra to make a good connection with the Divine mind and this may assist you to more easily obtain spiritual guidance.
It is known to help you to have mystical experiences, and using it in meditation may assist this process to happen with ease.
The vibration of this stone may help you to develop psychic gifts such as clairvoyance as well as channeling or mediumship abilities.
Azurite has a powerful action that can help you in quite a few other ways. Some of the ways it can help you includes boosting intuition and helping you to recognize the truth.
It assists stress, worry, grief and sadness and is an excellent stone to use to enhance your creativity.
As mentioned above it stimulates the brain and boosts your memory and this is helpful for students to help them to recall information when needed during finals.
The above pendant is polished sealed stone, and this is the best type of stone to use where possible, especially if you are wearing it.
The piece above also contains Malachite, and these two minerals are often found combined.
There is quite a lot more in this article so you may find it helpful to go through and learn about the other properties of Azurite discussed in my article.
It is a quite wonderful stone to utilize and if you are looking to purchase a piece look out for tumbled or sealed stone as this is the safest stone to use in your daily life.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz