Hi there and welcome to my latest edition. I trust life is going well!
Today’s edition focuses on Crystals for Self Love. What is self love you may wonder?
Self love may also be called self respect, pride in yourself and self assurance.
Why would you choose to use crystals for self love? Liking who you are may help to enhance your ability to experience contentment and happiness in your life.
Loving yourself is not being conceited or self centered, but liking who you are may assist you to accept who you are, and how you live your life.
By loving the person you are, you may also learn how wonderful a selfless approach to others can be.
Many of the crystals for self love are strong heart chakra stones and quite a few are also pink crystals as it is usual for pink stones to have a strong loving energy.
It is common for people to think of love as being all about romantic love and intimate relationships, and do not realize how important the love you have for yourself is to benefit you and your loved ones.
Almost all of the stones in the article I am linking to have a specific in-depth page that you can read to help you to decide which crystal or stone is best for you.
Quite a few of them are common crystals that you might already have, including the beautiful pink Rose Quartz Crystals, a major stone to boost love on all levels.
All of us feel lonely at times, and when loneliness strikes many of you probably wish for someone special to fulfill that need.
But unless you truly love yourself you may find that you are incapable of sharing your love with others in a way that can benefit you both.
It’s not about being narcissistic or stuck up but having good self esteem.
Some of these stones not only help to increase love for yourself, but have other powerful properties, which you can read about.
The lovely green Garnierite stone showing above is one of the crystals for self love, but is also a beneficial prosperity stone and is a strong crystal for money.
There are 18 crystals listed here with the top nine all having lots of information about how they will benefit you and links under their photos to their own in-depth page.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz