Automatic Writing also called Channeled Writing
Allowing a higher power to guide the words that you write
Hi there and welcome to my latest edition which is talking about the benefits of automatic writing. So what is Automatic Writing?
Automatic writing is also called channeled writing, and it relates to allowing a higher power to work through you and to guide what you write.
Most people choose to handwrite, as it seems that the information seems to more easily arrive when you use this method.
There are a number of stones that you can use to stimulate this gift and this includes White Magnesite, which has a strong action to boost many different psychic gifts.
Automatic writing is easy to learn as it simply works by allowing yourself to surrender to Spirit and to allow yourself to write what comes through to you.
While most people find that hand-writing is the most effective way to do channeled writing, you can type what comes through if you prefer. See what works for you.
It is valuable to say a short prayer before you start asking for protection. Your mind should become similar to when you are doing deep meditation.
When you are doing automatic writing you will in all likelihood sink into a trancelike and profound frame of mind as you allow the words to flow through to you.
It is of value to have psychic protection stones nearby too to ensure that you are protected from any malevolent spirits attracted by your light while you are doing this.
There are a number of stones that can boost how this gifts works including the stone shown above known as Calligraphy Stone or Miriam Stone.
My article explains the process in some detail, but the most important thing to remember is that the more often you do it, the easier it becomes.
You don’t need a special book to write in, but you should dedicate the book or journal you are writing in to just this specific use.
Start by saying a short prayer of thanks, showing appreciation for the information that is given to you in advance.
It is also of value to do your writing at the same time every day.
This gift may help you to gain guidance from Spirit about important aspects of your life and you may also choose to ask for help about a specific life issue during your prayer of thanks.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz