Hi there and welcome to my latest edition.
Today’s edition focuses on Amazonite, a beautiful blue-green stone also called The Hope Stone.
Amazonite’s energy helps you to remain hopeful while you are working on manifesting your desires, wishes and aspirations.
They have a strong vibration to aid communication, and will energize the words you speak with the power of truth.
The Hope Stone embodies the power of truth and hope, and empowers your spoken words with the vibration of your deepest wishes and desires.
They help you to remain calm and unemotional at difficult times in your life, particularly when are discussing awkward or uncomfortable subjects.
They help you to let go of worries and fear of judgment, as they stimulate harmonious and peaceful energy that may assist you to feel more relaxed about the issue.
They are excellent healing stones that are purported to not only assist stress but are known to help a range of other health issues.
This includes gout and arthritis and their energy may balance both the thyroid and adrenal glands, especially when this is related to being stressed over a period of time.
Amazonite comes in a range of shades of blue green, turquoise blue or greenish aqua.
They are strong EMF protection stones, and may be beneficial to wear on your body if you need help to deal with the emanations of mobile devices of any type.
If you have a sensitivity to the EMF’s given off by cell phones or other devices, they are powerful to aid your body to deal better with this energy impacting you.
You can learn all about the other properties of Amazonite in my article, as it is a quite wonderful stone to utilize.
That’s all for now. I look forward to sharing more of my favorite articles soon.
Love and light Liz